If I Can Help Somebody

By Steve Carter

You know that sense of achievement you get when you complete a task that you have set yourself, I have just had that. Well actually it was on Christmas Eve that I got that buzz and all because I had managed to open the doors on my chocolate filled Advent calendar on 24 consecutive days. Usually, I get to around the 15th and realise that my calendar is still on the 6th, so I have to binge to catch up. For as long as I can remember I have never managed to keep up, even as a child when there was no chocolate, just a thin piece of card which, upon opening a door, would reveal a badly drawn picture of a bauble or other Christmas related item.

The other part of the achievement is that this time I didn’t have to wrestle with the calendar to dispense of my chocolate treats. You know how it is, you are prizing, bending, thumping the back of the 9th door and all of a sudden, the 17th door comes flying open and out pops the chocolate in protest at being woken up 8 days early.

After this minor feat and while eating my final day, double sized, chocolate, I reflected on other achievements in my life, particularly relating to my career. I am actually quite proud of the journey that I have been on, and the achievement milestones along the route. I absolutely know that none of this would have been possible without certain individuals investing time in me, helping me to progress. I am indebted to those few people who made it their mission to take me under their wing, encourage, support, guide and, above all, instil the confidence in me that I could get to where I am now.

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to give something back and was able to take somebody under my wing, providing the same support and guidance that I had been given. Looking at what this young lady has achieved through her determination, is just brilliant. Watching her flourish gives me a warm glow, knowing I played a minor role in it.

I was really pleased to learn that BOSS are about to introduce a mentoring programme and are looking for people to become mentors, looking also for people who would like to be mentored. My hat was straight in the ring as it is another chance to give something back.

Before you move on to the next article, stop a moment and ask yourself, ‘could I do that?’ If the answer is yes, don’t put it off to tomorrow, pop on to the BOSS website and register. You will be glad you did.

If you’d like to know more about how you can become part of the wider Advantia team then please do contact us today for a friendly chat.